Memphis TN Root Canal Therapy
If the tooth’s inner nerve becomes infected or decayed, a root canal may be necessary to restore health and function to the tooth. A root canal is an effective treatment option because it allows you to keep the tooth without causing any damage to the adjacent teeth.
Our dentists may recommend that you receive a root canal for one or more of these reasons:
- Decay has reached the tooth’s pulp
- The tooth has become abscessed or decayed
- The tooth has become traumatized or injured
Root canals can restore teeth and provide you with the oral health that you’ve been missing. Often, the dentist will place a crown over the root canal-treated tooth to help protect it. If you are interested in learning more about root canals or restorative dentistry, please call Dr. Marrio Smiles in Memphis today! We proudly serve the families of Memphis and surrounding areas in Mississippi and Arkansas.